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学名:Cephalispa prominentia
Body length 4. 7 mm. Head : frons at vertex about 0. 2 of head-width, widened to anterior margin; interfrontalia black brown with a little greyish- yellow pollinosity, bu anterior third of it reddish- yellow; frontal triangle greyish-yellow pruinose, about half of frontal length; ocellar bristles about half as long as frontal width; parafrontalia with dense greyish-yellow pollinosity; 2 pairs of reclinate ors; 2 pairs of inclinate ori, 2 to 3 small hairs outside the lower one; face greyish- -white; parafacialia and genae yellow; parafacialia about half as wide as third antennal segment; gena about 1/12 as high as eye; second antennal segment black brown except for yellow antero-lower margin; third antennal segment red- dish-yellow, about 1. 8 times as long as second and falling short of mouth- margin by about 2/3 of its length; arista plumose , the longest aristal hair as long as third antennal segmental . width; haustellum black brown; palpi yellow ; lower-posterior margin of eye distinctly forward concave. Thorax: black in ground-colour; lateral surfaces pale grey pruinose . mesonotum brownish-grey pruinose with 3 hrown vittae;acr in 2 rows;dc1 + 3; ia 0+2: basal and api- cal scutellar bristles developed . basci bristles slightly longer : 2 propleural and 2 prostigmatal bristles; 3 st pl bristles forming an isosceles triangle and 3 to 4 ground-setulae in front of the lower one ; squamae yellow . lower one about 1. 5times as long as upper; wings hyaline with distinct costal spine: halteres yellow. Legs entirely yellow; t1 without ad or pv bristles: f2with 5 inconspicuous av bristles in basal half , one preapical p bristle .2 developed pv bristles; t2 with 2 pd bristles: f3 with 4 to 5 av bristles.4 pv bristles submedian pv bristle devclopcd: ty with one at.2 ad and 2 pd bristles: tarsi of fore legs distinctly black brown: pulvilli oval. Abdomen; long. cylindrical: dorsal surfaces of T3 to T5 mainly black brown in ground-colour and greyish yellow pruinose . the rest of abdomen yellow: T1+2 to T5 with a black brown median vitta: T3 to T5 each with a pair of round black lateral spots. di- ameters of the spots about 1/2. 1/2 and 2/3 of lengths of respective tergites; T5 with 2 developed median marginal bristles and conspicuous lateral marginal bristles; 5th sternite with a pair of big down-curved processes. apex of process about oblate with setulae; cerci very small; basiphallus very short , distiphallus about globular but not symmetric. Female: Body length 5. 2 mm: frontal triangle beyond middle of frons: ground -colour of thorax darker than the male: legs reddish-yellow and bristles on legs stronger than the male; the rest of characters similar to the male.